Remembering what it means to be human.
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My name is James Wong and I help human beings remember who they are.
Being human is a practice
It is in the nature of being human, at times, to forget what it means to be human. We’re in a pivotal time where rapid technological changes in our world call for a deeper understanding of what it means to be human.
The Feel Human Again initiative offers a space to reconnect with our humanness, exploring themes of connection, personal growth, purpose, and meaning.
It’s a mission to help us remember what it means and what it takes to be human, an assignment more crucial now than ever in the face of the unprecedented transformations we are witnessing.
Decoding Emotions: From Confusion to Clarity
Decoding Emotions: From Confusion to Clarity Read time – 5 minutes Practical Tips for Enhancin…
The Burden
Samuel was stirred from his nighttime slumber by the sound of a faint electric whizz coming to an un…